It’s our 25th anniversary and we want to celebrate with all of you. On top of our normal Saturday TGPP happenings, we are going to have several more activities going on at this celebration. Admission price is the same, but once you get in- enjoy some of these free activities:
FACE PAINTING- Who doesn’t love face painting?!? The Zoo Lady and Her Crew are sending out of their artists to do their magic on you and your kids. Free of charge, face painting will be available from 11-4.
PUMPKIN CARVERS- Mike and Matt Brown of MB Creative Studios will be here from 12-5 carving like crazy! They are going to choose funky, cool pumpkins and squash from our amazing diversity and make some cucurbit masterpieces right before your very eyes.
PHOTO CONTEST- do you have some awesome pics at TGPP over the last 25 years. We want you to share them with us! See the flyer below for details. Prizes will be awarded.
ART CONTEST- It wouldn’t be a fair without an art contest! And we wouldn’t be The Great Pumpkin Patch if we didn’t make it all about pumpkins. We are looking for decorated pumpkins (not carved) and pumpkin-themed drawings or paintings. We have several age categories and prizes will be awarded. See below flyer for details.
PUMPKIN PIE EATING CONTEST- You know you’ve always wanted to eat an ENTIRE Homestead Bakery pumpkin pie and now you have an excuse! We will have a pie eating contest at 12 pm and 2 pm. Just come and sign up right before and see what you can do!
PUMPKIN SEED SPITTING CONTEST- Come see how far you can spit cucurbit seeds!! We will have an official TGPP seed spitting contest at 1 pm and 3 pm. No need to sign up before hand, we take spontaneous spitters! Just be there 10-15 minutes before.
HOMER SODA COMPANY- Our friends at Homer Soda Company (www.homersoda.com) will be out here doing some fun stuff with their cool, quirky vintage sodas. Start thinking… samples!
We will also have our Pumpkin Growing Showcase that day- in collaboration with the Douglas County Farm Bureau and local schools and our Annual Great Pumpkin Weigh-off. We are still hanging on to a few other surprises up our sleeves. Come celebrate with us!!