Squash enthusiasts and novices alike – gather to enjoy a lively and edifying appearance by Mac Condill as he presents to you a closer look at The Great Pumpkin Patch and how it chooses to showcase the wonderful family of cucurbits. He will touch on all topics . . . heirlooms, seed saving, the multitude of uses. These multifaceted fruits get the zoomed-infocus they’ve deserved for so long! And Mac’s just the guy to bring it all to light! Now you’ll be able to confidently grow your own. Plus, you’ll be able to creatively fill that vacancy in your family meals with that little something out of the norm that is so easy to use and so memorable to eat! So join us at the DKP Master Gardener Conference on Saturday Nov 7, 2009, at the IPL Communications Building, just north of Petersburg IN on Hwy 57.